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Siding Repairs in Salt Lake City, Utah

Whether it is damage from inclement weather, age, or improper installation, when one aspect of your home structure needs repairs, others may as well. When inspecting your roof and gutter systems, make sure to carefully look over your siding.

We Do Roofing can perform repairs on Stucco, vinyl, and aluminum siding. We specialize in small spot repairs using professional and experienced technicians. When performing a re-roof, we have a separate team onsite first to prep the siding. Next, our roofing crew performs the roof installation, and lastly, our siding technicians will go return and finalize repairs.

Depending on the age or style of your home, it can be difficult to find the right color or exact type of siding for replacement. In this circumstance, the expert technicians at We Do Roofing SLC can take a sample piece and send it to a lab to determine if it is still made and where we can purchase it. Let us do the searching for you!

Licensed Utah Roofing Contractor


Professional Services

Quality Guarantee Utah Roofing Contractor

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